We’ve been around the block a bit when it comes to life, websites, cycling, and family. We hope we can share some of our successes failures and ideas that can help you find some inspiration.

Educated Clients are Happier, Smarter and Sticky
Clients need to be included in the process of creating their website. Black box consulting where a project is delivered at the end of a timeline with no client input should not happen. But, it does and Big Shifter thinks that is not right. Our clients have rights and those rights include being educated.

You can pick your friends, you can pick your CMS, but you can’t pick your friend’s CMS.
Choosing a Web Content Management System should not be done lightly. It’s going to be with you for some time and you don’t want to be forced to switch sometime down the road. You may have experience in, and use a CMS that works wonderfully for you. But be careful before you recommend that system to someone else. Your pick may not be their solution.

Why Discovery is Crucial to Project Success.
Discovery happens in every project, whether planned or not. Why not plan for it from the beginning to ensure that your project runs more smoothly and efficiently.

The Art of Website Taxonomy
Content Taxonomy is not an optional requirement for your website. You should be using ongoing techniques to continually categorize your content for later use, quicker access, and increased usability. Big Shifter trains its clients to use taxonomy as much as possible because we know that as a site grows, a good taxonomy becomes more important.

Strategies for Donations
Gathering donations for your nonprofit can be challenging. Using stories about your organization to educate and encourage people to give to your cause is vital. Giving is not just about donating, its about connecting and understanding what people are giving to and why they are giving.

Big Shifter partners with Alphagraphics to provide complete marketing solutions to our clients.